Good-bye, June and Ward
Andrea Ramsay Speers
What does it mean to be a mother or a father in today’s world? Being a mother used to mean you maintained the home and looked after the kids, while being a father meant that [...]
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Homework For Parents
Andrea Ramsay Speers
The older your child gets, the less involved you may become in their homework. Or, then again, you may find yourself nagging and supervising more because less seems to be [...]
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Sensitive Kids
Andrea Ramsay Speers
I’ve run into a few people in my practice lately who are what author Elaine Aron would describe as highly sensitive. These are people who share a list of common traits [...]
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Handling Pet Peeves
Andrea Ramsay Speers
What do you do when your usually charming and adorable kids display less than appealing habits? Perhaps they crack their knuckles, or leave the tv on after they’ve [...]
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What Order Are They?
Andrea Ramsay Speers
We never really know what goes on inside our children’s minds. We may make educated guesses, and then do the best we can with that information. Well, here’s another tool to [...]
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Andrea Ramsay Speers
I read an article recently that was targeted at parents of kids ages 12 to 14, that was about helping kids keep from procrastinating on their homework. But it was all about [...]
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Sulking as an Art Form
Andrea Ramsay Speers
Where do kids learn to sulk like they do?? I often see a fair bit of sulking in my office…but as a non-family-member, I can usually pull them out of it before too long. [...]
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Weight Worries
Andrea Ramsay Speers
What do you do if you’re worried about your teen’s weight? Begin by recognizing that however unhappy you are about the weight, your teen is guaranteed to be even [...]
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Some Valuable Lessons For All Our Kids Suffering From A Sense Of Entitlement
Andrea Ramsay Speers
I just got a “chain email” sent to me, and although I usually just delete them (sorry if you’ve ever sent me one, but I just don’t have time to worry [...]
Read more Some Valuable Lessons For All Our Kids Suffering From A Sense Of Entitlement
The “More, More, More” Epidemic
Andrea Ramsay Speers
We live in an era of rampant consumerism. Raise your hand if you’ve ever caught yourself trying to keep up with the Jones’…or at the very least snuck an undercover look at [...]
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