Is Fear Ruling Your Life?
How does fear impact your day-to-day life? Not at all? Lucky you! The rest of us can recognize fear at work in some part of our life every day – from the constant, all-encompassing fear that can indicate an actual disorder, to the smaller, easier to discount, fear that keeps us from trying something new, taking a small risk, or living the way we would like to.
Fear and regret often go hand-in-hand. We may fear taking action, then, when the moment has passed, regret our choice to do nothing. For many people, the defining moments in their lives are comprised of as many opportunities missed as those taken. No one lives their life intending to create a lifetime ruled by fear, no one wants to look back on their life with sadness and regret, but for many of us the day to day choices that we make are preparing us for just that.
What decisions, actions, or next steps are you putting off right now because of fear? Are the choices you are making today – right now – creating a fulfilling life for you? Will they lead you to where you want to go, or is your fear leading you away from what you would like your ultimate destination to be?
It is the risks and chances that we take in our lives that add real meaning to our days. Even though not every venture will work in our favor, pushing through fear never leaves us wondering, “What if?” We never question if that opportunity was a big one, the one that could have change dour lives for the better. And sometimes it is the things we fear the most – falling in love, having a baby, starting a business, buying a house – that provide us with the most satisfaction and peace.
Here are some questions to consider about the role fear has been playing in your own life:
- In what area of your life has fear been holding you back the most?
- How has fear influenced and affected past decisions? If the same thing came up again, what would you do today?
- What will happen if you take a risk and it doesn’t work out the way you had hoped? What if it does?
- What is stopping you from taking action? How will you look back on this in five years?
- Is this a time for action? What action?
- When you are 95 years old, what will you want to say about your life?
And before you go, some inspiration! Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined. – Thoreau