Parent Report Cards
I got this great email last week from Beverley Cathcart-Ross at The Parenting Network – I thought it was so fabulous that I had to share it! What do you think? What mark do you think you’d get from your kids?
“As parents, we spend much of our day evaluating our children’s performance – how well they do in sports and academics, are they reaching milestones in a timely manner and how are they measuring up?
Just for fun, we thought we would turn the tables and stimulate some family discussions about your performance. How do you measure up as a parent? From your child’s point of view? Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Do my parents start the day with a cheery “Good Morning” and a hug or do they start by telling me all the things I need to do to get ready?
- Do they give me lots of chances to do things for myself so I can practice and improve? Things like tying my shoes, setting the table, climbing the jungle gym at the park or making a sandwich?
- Do they give me an age-appropriate allowance so I can begin to learn the value of money?
- Do we have regular or occasional family meetings so we can together discuss things like routines, menus, family outings and our daily schedule?
- Does Mom or Dad always jump in to fix things and give solutions rather than asking my opinion or teaching me problem solving skills?
- Do they treat me respectfully, even if I am not always respectful to them, so I have a good role model to learn from?
- Am I afraid Mom or Dad is going to be cross if I give the wrong answer when they help me with my homework or piano practice?
- Do Mom and Dad give in to me if I have a temper tantrum or do they help me see that even though I can’t have my way all the time, they care and help me deal with it?
- Do Mom and Dad apologize when they have lost their tempers or said something they really don’t mean?
- Do they end the day with a hug and an “I love you”, even if we have had the worst day ever?”