A New Year’s Challenge
Andrea Ramsay Speers
What is one thing you could do this month to improve your relationship with your children? We all know that we’re not perfect and that we have room to improve. So [...]
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Happiness At Home: Skills For Making Your Marriage Thrive
Andrea Ramsay Speers
Any marriage counselor will tell you that one of the most common problems observed when couples come for help is poor communication skills. People get into trouble in their [...]
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5 Ways To Really Listen To Your Kids
Andrea Ramsay Speers
Parents generally consider themselves to be good listeners, but we may actually be practicing bad listening habits, without even knowing it. Here are some tips for improving [...]
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Ask One, Then The Other
Andrea Ramsay Speers
How do you handle a child who doesn’t take “no” for an answer, but instead quietly goes to the other parent and asks the same question? Kids can be crafty, [...]
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“Because I Said So!”
Andrea Ramsay Speers
Who among us did not hear that as a kid? And who finds themselves saying it to their own kids now? Children can really wear you down, and some of them are more persistent [...]
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