Time To Think
In the daily grind of making lunches, arriving on time, homework, and all of the other activities that fill our days, it can be easy to lose sight of our big-picture parenting goals. Do our responses to immediate challenges contribute to the long term vision of what we want for our kids?
It’s ok to take a moment to consider what you’ll say and do next. No need to react instantly, in the moment. Sometimes it helps to stop and ask ourselves
What do we want for our kids? What kind of people do we hope they’ll be as adults? Will they have the necessary skills by the time they reach adulthood? What do we need to do now in order to make all of that possible down the road?
Experiment with these questions. Try them as guiding principles to your interactions with your children this week. Then see what happens.
If Raising Responsible Kids one of your goals, then check out this article.
Read here to help your kids learn Problem Solving Skills.
Ask yourself: What Do I Want Them To Learn?